Thursday, June 16, 2005

It feels like Friday...

... but it isn't. It's Thursday. I am ready for the weekend! Turns out they are releasing Howl's Moving Castle here this weekend at one theater. And one that's pretty close to my house too so double bonus! I'll probably hit Batman Begins as well - maybe Friday night...

The BBC had some great articles today. First, the guy who had been in jail for 2 years and who had always used crutches, suddenly threw them away and made a (successful) run for it during his hearing:

Turns out everyone assumed he was disabled when, in fact, he wasn't.

Second, the lady who won the lottery. Twice. This just ain't fair...

Can't make this a long post - it's "Kids in the Office Day" at my company and so I have to go scare the children....


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