All my Christmas shopping is finally DONE! Yay me!
Of course, I still have to wait for stuff to come in and then I need to mail out several gifts. But everything is ordered and on its way in and that is really what's important, isn't it?
I guess I don't have all THAT much to be proud of - it's the 19th and I really should have had it all done last week but this was a tougher year for some reason because I just ended up with various issues and confusion as to what needed to be done. Plus the party and being sick slowed me way down...
But that is all in the past for it is done. I have a few things to wrap and then a visit to the local Mailboxes Etc and I can sit back and enjoy GETTING presents! Woo hoo...
Oh, we saw King Kong yesterday. If I had to describe it with one word, I'm afraid the word would be 'long.' I liked it, I really did, I just thought it was about an hour and a half too long. The beginning was great, the ending was great but there was a whole CHUNK in the middle that should have been chopped out... it was not necessary to have THAT many 'bizarre Skull Island creature attack' scenes, it really wasn't. And the bug scene was gross and uncalled for.. although it did give Christian the ideal opportunity to lightly touch the top of Angie's head (she and Kevin were sitting in the row in front of us) and TOTALLY freak her out.... Cruel, but funny. If he'd done it to me, I'd have leapt a mile straight into the air and probably killed him on my way down...
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