Back from across the pond...
Well I spent the past few days or so across the pond in England and Belgium. England was just for fun - I got to see Georgia and Will and drank some very very good wine, amongst other things. We wanted to go see Guys and Dolls but no luck on tickets so no juicy Ewan McGregor goodness for me... :-(
I love London - got to spend a couple of days just wandering around, looking at little shops and bookstores and Not Buying Anything. The exchange rate's a bit of a killer at the moment but oh well :-) I got my normal stock of chocolate so I'm happy...
Oh! And I have to recant a *little* bit on my judgement of Bob Geldof and the Ebay issue. What I found out later was that the tickets they were reselling were actually tickets that people had received for free that they were then trying to make money off. Fair enough, I guess I can see that it's not exactly cool... But still, I maintain that I am tired of hearing about Geldof *almost* as much as I'm tired of hearing about Bono!
Belgium was next and there I was working. My sister had an Indian food stall at Couleur Cafe, a big world music festival in Brussels. Lots of fun but lots of work. We had hardly any sleep in 3 days so were pretty exhausted by Monday... I flew home Tuesday and now am back at work, trying to adjust to everyday work life without much success.
Other than that, not a whole lot of news. On the movie front, War of the Worlds is here. Yay. I haven't seen it and, based on Christian's opinion, I probably won't... I had a feeling it would suck and it looks like I was not wrong at all!
This weekend, Fantastic Four! Should be a fun, stuff-blowing-up summer movie. I'm looking forward to it, even though it looks like nobody else is. What I'm really looking forward to is a weekend of no travelling! Christian and I haven't been in the same town in 3 weeks so it's nice to be home!
But for now, I suppose I had better get to work...
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