Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sappy Valentine's Day

I think Valentine's Day is a really stupid holiday. I've never really liked it. It always seemed to be a way to just play on people's self-esteem. Either you're single and miserable because you're alone on Valentine's Day or your married and there's all this pressure to do something special.

Christian and I used to do stuff for Valentine's Day but we've pretty much started to see it for what it is - a Hallmark holiday. Don't get me wrong, I've had some most excellent Valentine's Days. But I think I'd rather celebrate a *real* holiday instead...

Of course, there are those who would make the same argument about Christmas... but we won't go there...

I spent Valentine's Day working from home. The exterminator was coming in this morning plus we are getting a new washer and dryer delivered. For various reasons, this turned into a much bigger deal than it should have been so I didn't get nearly as much work done as I'd have liked. Oh well...

It was very nice, though, that Christian thought ahead and had the Mirrormask DVD delivered to my doorstep today... Looks like I'm in for lots of good Neily extras :)

In other news, it looks like there's going to be a sequel to the Dark Crystal. How odd... It looks like it could be pretty cool and it'll be fun to see what they can do with today's technology. We've been Netflix-ing Farscape lately and I don't understand why I didn't watch that show when it first came out. It's really excellent and a lot of fun for a muppet-geek like myself because the puppets are incredible.

Plus, Ben Browder is hot hot hot :) So that doesn't hurt. I'm glad he's on Stargate now too - I have an ongoing source...

But on to more important questions... what is the best way to end a blog entry...?


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