Friday, June 16, 2006


It's been over a month, I know. So much has been going on, I can't even start to catch up so I won't bother. Let's just start fresh.

Things are busy and not busy at work. Lots of little things to do but also lots of waiting around for big projects that are waiting in the wings. It's summer and Atlanta's getting hot. Great for the convertible though :) I'm having fun.

This week has been rough. A lot of crap has come down, personal and work-related and it just seems like everyone is having the same crappy week. I'm glad it's Friday. We're doing a Bad Movie Night tomorrow night and are watching Superman IV (which, as I didn't even know it existed, certainly qualifies).

Well, I guess I'm off to try to work out and then head to Friday night trivia. I'll try to be better about blogging regularly!


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