Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rain, rain and then some more rain...

We've been lucky - there have been big thunderstorms because of all the crazy hurricanes but really all we've got is lots and lots of water. Cindy hit us pretty hard but Dennis has been lighter. Atlanta's had flooding but overall, it really hasn't been bad. But, one's misery fills one's world - the rain is getting very very depressing. And it's not going to stop. I need my sunshine back, please :)

The dogs are cranky because they aren't getting walked much and the little time they do get to spend outside usually gets them soggy and smelly...

And it's only Tuesday. Gloom, gloom, gloom...

But, the good news is that my friend James from college is coming into town this weekend. James is one of my favorite people in the whole world so I'm really looking forward to that. Hopefully the crappy weather will have passed but Emily is already on its way so I guess it's not too likely that we'll have nice weather. I might not even be able to show off my convertible!

And, this weekend is also the San Diego Comicon, where, I have it on good authority, my puppets are going to be the center piece at the CBLDF auction. Very exciting stuff ! :) I'll keep you posted...!

Fantastic Four was actually better than I expected. We saw it Friday night and it was basically exactly what I expected. It was actually funnier than I thought it would be and it wasn't painfully awful like Daredevil.. It was certainly no X-Men or Spiderman... but it was definitely fun summer fare. I know the reviewers are panning it and, to be fair, Jessica Alba can't act AT ALL. But it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Now THIS weekend's fare - Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - is a whole different story. I'm expecting it to suck. I'm sure it will. BUT apparently the writer never saw the original movie and is sticking more with the original book. I loved the movie but I really liked the book too so there's a *tiny* chance it won't be awful. We'll see.


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