Thursday, August 24, 2006


It's AUGUST. Almost September!!

I don't know where the summer has gone! Actually, I do - it was eaten up by The Boy. We've had my nephew in town since the beginning of July and have been crazy busy with him and with work.

A LOT has been going on. First and foremost, work changed on me - I have moved back into client work and am going to South Africa for about 5 weeks. During that time, Christian will come down as well and we'll go on safari. I'm really excited. Everything I've read has told me that it's an amazing place. I'm supposed to leave the second week in September but, as always, there are some crazy things going on with the client and so nothing is finalized.

Gosh, so much other stuff has been going on. In July, I ran my first 5K - very very cool - I did it in under 40 minutes, which is pretty good for an old lady who hasn't been running for more than a year. I've been keeping up with the running but haven't scheduled another 5K as yet. We shall see.

Not a whole lot of time to blog it all but I'll leave you with the one link I've had time to read today. Pluto is no longer a planet... very odd...

I jumped over to the Bad Astronomy blog to see what Phil Plait had to say about it but it turns out he's too busy being a fanboy at Worldcon to comment just yet:


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