Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dull work day...


Still no Internet at work. The IT guy decided that I had a virus on my machine (even though I don't) and left and never came back. I guess I am unclean and not worth being on their network.
So I've been getting lots of documentation done in the mean time, which is great, but I am really frustrated at the moment because I feel like we're all wasting our time a little bit. There is a whole hell of a lot to do and it's hard to have our hands tied like this.

In other news, it's an absolutely beautiful day here, again. It's actually really warm and so the jacket and sweater I wore to work this morning have been successively stripped off as the day has progressed.

One funny story - the doors in our flats lock with a key on both sides. It's really odd, considering that is a fire hazard in the U.S. so you never see it. So if you want to get out, you need a key. The two guys who are with us are staying in our colleague's flat - he lives here normally and is back in the U.S. at the moment on vacation. Anyway, his cleaning lady was coming today so he told them to make sure they let her in. They suggested just letting her not come for this week but she apparently really needs the money (she gets 100 Rand per visit - that's about $14) every week. So they had to let her in, leave for work and therefore LOCK HER IN and then go back to the house at lunch to let her out.

Very bizarre.


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