Saturday, September 16, 2006

Stupid service people

A few weeks ago, our washing machine died. Well, it didn't really die, it started spewing water out every time we washed clothes at a speed higher than "Rocks in River." It made for lots of fun and flooding. We were pretty annoyed because this was a brand new washing machine that we had bought at Sears just a few months ago and so we really weren't expecting it to start puking quite this fast. Luckily, we had allowed ourselves to get talked into the extended warranty so service on it was covered. Turns out it needed a new part - that rubber thingy on the rim of the washer (that's exactly what the service guy called it, I swear!) has a leak. So they sent us a new part (1 week, 3 inches of water) and we called to schedule an appointment.

When C called, the nice automated voice gave him a date and time (Friday, between 8 am and 4 pm). So I took the day off and patiently waited. Around 3, I decided to give them a call and see what was up. Of course, they had no record of the appointment. Yelling and screaming at them was ineffective, although I definitely tried. So they rescheduled for today, Saturday. I did get a confirmation call last night and when I called, the nice automated voice said that someone would be out today between 8 am and 4 pm but somehow, my confidence level isn't high.

Plus, it's a beautiful day and I'm pissed that I have to wait around all day for this guy.

I'm taking the opportunity to do some spring cleaning... OK, Fall cleaning, I guess. But the fact that I've got to keep the dogs inside isn't really helping the dog pee smell that I am trying to get rid of...

Christian gets home today from Spain. He texted me late last night to let me know he made the flight (first class - woo hoo!) and that he was sick. Apparently, it got cold in Spain, or at least chilly, the last night he was there and he was out at the Alhambra for the Loreena McKennitt concert with no sweater or jacket or anything.

So I guess he'll be miserable when he gets home today. Fun fun fun :) Either way, it'll be good to have him back for a while, just in time for me to leave on Thursday!

Ok, I suppose I should get back to the cleaning...


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